The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)
00 minute | Drama
added to catalog : 12.05.2020

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

In August 2005, elderly Daisy Fuller is on her deathbed in a New Orleans hospital as Hurricane Katrina approaches. She tells her daughter, Caroline, about a train station built in 1918 and a blind clockmaker, Mr. Gateau, hired to make a clock for it. When it was unveiled at the station, the public was surprised to see the clock running backwards. Mr. Gateau says he made it that way as a memorial, so that the boys they lost in the war, including his own son, could come home again and live full lives. Mr. Gateau was never seen again. Daisy then asks Caroline to read aloud from the diary of Benjamin Button.

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Brad Pitt
role : Benjamin Button
Cate Blanchett
role : Daisy
Julia Ormond
role : Caroline
Jared Harris
role : Captain Mike
Elle Fanning
role : Daisy Age 7



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